The Mexican red knee tarantula originates from the semi-desert scrub land of Mexico and Panama. Its abdomen is black with a few red hairs. Its legs are black striped with bands of orange, tan and red coloration. A fully grown spider will have a leg span between five and six inches. Females may live to be up to thirty years old. Males have a much shorter life span. Due to this spider’s docile nature, colorful appearance, large size and long life they have become a popular type of tarantula to keep as pets. The spider requires little care and little space. It is an excellent choice of pet for with all levels of experience.
4-6 inches
5-10 gallon tank will work great with a secure screen lid
2-3 inches of peat moss, soil, or vermiculite can be used as a substrate. Wood, cork bark, or half of a small clay flower pot can be used for a shelter/retreat.
Temperature 75-80 degrees
Humidity 60-75%
Have at least one temp and humidity gauge in the enclosure
Will eat crickets, roaches and other insects and vertebrates
Feed 1-3 crickets a week
Use a heat mat on the side and place it at one end of the enclosure
No lighting, lighting is harmful to tarantulas
The Mexican red knee tarantula originates from the semi-desert scrub land of Mexico and Panama. Its abdomen is black with a few red hairs. Its legs are black striped with bands of orange, tan and red coloration. A fully grown spider will have a leg span between five and six inches. Females may live to be up to thirty years old. Males have a much shorter life span. Due to this spider’s docile nature, colorful appearance, large size and long life they have become a popular type of tarantula to keep as pets. The spider requires little care and little space. It is an excellent choice of pet for with all levels of experience.
4-6 inches
5-10 gallon tank will work great with a secure screen lid
2-3 inches of peat moss, soil, or vermiculite can be used as a substrate. Wood, cork bark, or half of a small clay flower pot can be used for a shelter/retreat.
Temperature 75-80 degrees
Humidity 60-75%
Have at least one temp and humidity gauge in the enclosure
Will eat crickets, roaches and other insects and vertebrates
Feed 1-3 crickets a week
Use a heat mat on the side and place it at one end of the enclosure
No lighting, lighting is harmful to tarantulas