The Emperor Scorpion is a very large, impressive, and hardy scorpion from tropical Africa. Wild-caught specimens are usually collected in Togo and Ghana. It is also the one of the only species of scorpion that is known to be handled, yet this is not recommended. These scorpions are popular animals in scary movies, because they are big, black, and they can have close contact with actors. The venom is used infrequently, and is generally not harmful to humans.

6-8 inches

A 10 gallon tank works well housing one Emperor Scorpion, If your housing more than one a bigger enclosure should be used. Provide a couple hiding places especially if there are more than one emperor in the enclosure.

4-6 inches of Slightly damp peat moss, vermiculite,  coco fiber or sphagnum moss are all fine choices. Each will hold moisture well. These scorpions will dig deep burrows if the substrate is suitable.

Temperature  75-85 degrees.
Humidity  70-80%
Have at least one temp gauge in the enclosure

They will eat crickets,roaches and other insects and small vertebrates,
 Feed them 1-3 crickets a week.
A shallow water dish should be provided.

Place a heat mat to the side of the enclosure at one end

No lighting, lighting is harmful to scorpions and tarantulas
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